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It is not only inside the walls of citadels where we will find surprising secrets but around the corners of small villages like Patones de Arriba (Madrid). In fact this time this iconic van was awaiting for us at the very entrance of the village. _MG_3812_RAWPROC_BW_SMALL20

Luckily this will not be the last post about Bonneville Salt Flats but with this third issue of A Pinch of Salt I have shared with all of you almost all the pics taken during those three days. I will not say that I think about Bonneville on a daily basis but one year after I can’t help dreaming about it now and then.

It is a fact, the more you see the pictures the more you want to go back.

Sorry I am one day late. The following picture was taken in Pittsburgh in 2009.

I have been several times to the States. I love to go there, anyone who knows me, knows that. I go everytime I have the chance (and money) to do it. Last year, I went there on holidays for two times twice, the second time I took a solo trip driving around Utah on a beamer and on the first trip, me and my girlfriend Sol, we flew into Las Vegas and we decided to drive to  Overton that first night.

By the end of the next day, it happened to be Memorial Day. After visiting Zion Ntl. Park, we had some problems finding some place in Springdale to spend the night.

We finally drove back to Hurricane and had no problem with room vacancy. Although we were kind of nervous facing the fact that we could sleep in the car (a confortable and roomy Dodge Caliber by the way) that night, it was fun, anyway.

Ooooh man, it was summer of 1993, I was 15 years old (young!, very). My father just got me this wonderful, even perfect, XR for my birthday. A whole new world opened in front of me since I took my first ride on a motorbike with 7 years old.

Things were different at that time, and I am not selling you that things now are worst or better, but at that time things were just different and you understand what you want pals.

I just need a picture like this to share with you my understanding of those years. If you focus on some details you will see a helmet, which I borrowed from a friend and that time it wasn’t mandatory to wear it when riding on the road so imaging off road. I was wearing regular boots and cargo trousers and some black tee. Safety in this case was not first, was just behind fun…

This picture had to be taken during the first days because I remember that tail light did not last too long and had to be replaced for a strong one.

Sweet cup capes for the upcoming bitter Monday.

Sometimes, even though there’s a traffic signal warning you that the road is closed because of the snow, you decide to ignore it and check by yourself if there is a what if… Well, we did that , and we did check that the road was closed exactly how the traffic signal said but we did find a secret place lost in Yosemite.